Cefore blog #20: Early access is live!

Steam Early Access


First things first, we finally put the game on Early Access on Steam on April 6th. It was a hard decision to take but we felt we wanted to let players play it on their favorite platform and at the same time, it is a huge opportunity for us to measure and improve on the content, quality and features of the game.


So what do you get when playing Cefore in Early Access? Quite simply a great experience for the price...haha! Seriously though, the game is currently priced at 9,99$. There are 19 available puzzle levels at the moment in the build. Couple of customization items you can unlock and the famous sandbox mode for endless hours of gameplay. Within that same sandbox, we worked really hard on implementing a seamless GIF sharing system that lets you save on your desktop funny moments as GIF and share them on Reddit or Twitter.


Our first PAX EAST!

Yes, yes that is right. The team paid itself a trip to Boston to go and promote CEFORE to PAX EAST 2018! Let’s just say that our first day was a pain for many reasons but the 4 others were simply amazing! Lots and lots of people came by our booth and played the game and it was so much fun. PAX was amazing not only for Cefore but just to see and talk to other devs. We tried to take as much photos and videos during the event but it was harder than expected. You can still check out some snaps here:




We also made a little video recap of our trip there with some sick beats! Check it out:


We really hope we can go to more of these events to talk with you guys and promote the game to as many people as possible! Let’s hope for PAX West in Seattle!


Sandbox mode and next patch!


You heard it first. April 18th or 19th we will launch our first post-release update. It will include a revamp of the Sandbox mode. We polished it a lot since the release and we feel it now is very user friendly to use and it feels just so much better. Currently, you can make GIFS from the sandbox mode and share them with friends on Reddit and Twitter or wherever you want. Also, the latest GIF made by any player is displayed in the main menu on the giant screen. We feel that this is a great way to encourage people to make funny stuff in the sandbox and make the players talk to each other and create a community.


Remember you can always come and talk to us on our Discord channel as we are active on it every single day. Follow us on Twitter and on Youtube as we will start to upload vlogs on a monthly basis.

Discord, our TwitterSteam or even our newsletter on our website!

Thanks for reading once again, cheers!



Epic Loon
$ 9.99
$ 9.99
$ 12.99
$ 5.99

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