How your choice matter in The Universim


Our team is hard at work on that oh-so-sweet update for the Steam Release going live on August 28. We’ve got a whole lot of new systems coming with the patch, and we’re going to be discussing one of them today. Buckle up!

Introducing God Quests.

As a god, you have to deal with a lot of prayers. While some of them may be spam - and a fair amount will be ludicrous - there are a few genuine, reasonable requests you might want to take a look at. Nuggets will ask for help with various tasks, or request aid during hard times. They might throw in a few bizarre ones now and then, and it’s really up to you to decide if you want to fulfill them or not.

We are also adding legendary Nugget Influencers 
and Inventors with this system.

Inventors are notable Nuggets who will alter the course of your civilization’s progress with their quests. For example, you will be able to choose which technology path your civilization follows with the quests from Nuggola Tesla. Nuggola will have a dilemma; he discovered that there are several ways of generating Electricity, and he will need your help to end the battle in his mind over which technology to pursue. There will be three ways to generate Electricity:

Kinetic - Wind Turbines

One path leads to Wind Turbine Electricity Generators. This is a relatively passive and clean way of generating Electricity for your civilization. However, it’s a little unpredictable, due to the production relying solely on the wills of the wind. Wind Turbines will not work during Windstorms (to protect them from being ripped apart) or when there is no wind at all.

The good news is, you’ll be able to store any energy surplus in Batteries. Stored power can then be utilized when Wind Turbines aren’t generating enough Electricity to keep your cities’ lights on.

Kinetic - Nuggetic Motion Generator

Now, here’s an idea. You know all of those Nuggets you have running around? Are they really all being productive members of society? We doubt it. That’s why you will be able to use Nuggets to generate Electricity for your civilization. It’ll be great for their health, it’ll definitely keep the lights on, and it only requires a bit of light whipping. If you have Nuggets to spare, and you don’t really want to take your chances with the wind, then this is a great system. Of course, excess Electricity is stored in the same way as other Generators.

In a similar manner to fancy cars, there is an Insane Mode Button that pushes things into overdrive on the Nuggetic Motion Generator. Nuggets will run like mad, producing far more energy than before. However, use this with caution. Nuggets have been known to explode without warning. Cover expensive furniture beforehand.

As mentioned, these methods of Electricity generation are 100% environmentally friendly. There is, of course, a far more aggressive approach that replaces unreliability with consistency and clean air with pollution - the Electric Gas Plant.

Electric Gas Plants are behemoths when it comes to generating Electricity. They spew it out with ease. However, there are significant downsides. You’ve probably already guessed why, but it’s mostly because this system burns through Natural Gas, which is only found underground. In order to extract Gas, you will need to build Gas Mines. This precious resource will then be delivered to Electric Gas Plants to be converted into Electricity.

Gas Plants will cause a steady decrease in air quality, with an additional side effect involving global temperature increases. But, hey, at least Gas Mine owners will get filthy rich.

Inventors and Influencers

There will be many more Inventors and Influencers throughout your civilization’s advancement, but they will appear randomly. Our goal is to offer you a different experience every time you play the game. Before you tell your friends all about it, here are a couple more Influencers you might come across:

Elon Nugsk - A clever Nugget with some grand and occasionally silly ideas. He will help begin the Planet Colonization initiative. He also may or may not send expensive machinery into space for fun. Keep an eye on him.

Donnug Rump - A Nugget who has a peculiar fascination with walls. He will allow you to build advanced walls around your civilization to protect against extraterrestrial threats or other unwanted intruders. He should never be put in a position of power, but his rants about wall designs have proven to be useful in certain scenarios.

Florence Nuggingale - Her healing hands and tireless efficiency will lead to significant improvements in Hospitals, increasing the total number of patients a Hospital can serve at a time, as well as their Happiness.

Kim-Joe Nug - His sole intention is to provide Nuggets with Nuclear Power. However, many Nuggets may need to be sacrificed to achieve his goal.

Nuggie Curie - Her contributions will lead to the invention of the X-ray machine, reducing the time needed for diagnosis of injuries or pain. This will result in faster healing times for patients.

Wrong Brothers - These guys are crazy. They think Nuggets will be able to fly like birds. We all know that Nuggets can barely walk to begin with, so we’ll have to see whether they’re wrong or wright.

We hope you’re as excited as we are for these new features to make their way into the game. Let us know if you have any suggestions for Influencers or Inventors you’d like to see. Tell us their contributions and how they will alter gameplay, and don’t forget to come up with a terrible pun for their names. We will hopefully get a few more in before the Steam release, but rest assured that more will follow.

Be sure to share this with your friends and family - they might have crazy ideas as well!

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