The UniversimIn Development Released

The Universim aims to revive the glory days of the god-game genre, and bring it into the new generation with fresh ideas and ambitious gameplay. With the powers of a god, you are unleashed upon the universe to begin forging your galactic empire in the stars. From dust to the cosmos beyond, your civilization will rise through the ages under your guidance.

  • Sandbox
  • Single Player
  • Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Available on:

Available Products:


$29.99 +1499


$44.99 +2249


$49.99 +2499


$59.99 +2999


$99.99 +4999


$249.99 +12499


Receive immediate access to the game and all future updates. Your name will be added to the in-game Rise of Evolution Monument, and you`ll receive additional exclusive rewards for your early support. Available Steam Key or Crytivo Key for you to choose.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards


Receive exclusive wallpapers and the beautiful Original Soundtrack.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
+ All previous rewards


You will be able to submit a city name for use in the game. Names are added to a pool that will be chosen by Nuggets at random. This name can be changed by players after assignment.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
+ All previous rewards


The definitive Digital Collector's Edition. Receive the stunning Digital Art Book (PDF) and Game Guide (PDF). Treat your eyes to the creation of The Universim and get some tips for survival.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
+ All previous rewards


Beautify your city with famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, and Burj Al Arab Hotel. You will also be able to immortalize yourself in the game's credits and Rise of Evolution Monument with a unique colour.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
Famous Landmarks
Name Featured in the Credits
+ All previous rewards


Customize and name a Nugget that will be added to the game for all to see in the Nugget Editor. Choose a unique combination of traits from the available list to set your Nugget apart from the rest. You will also be able to name a planet permanently, in addition to choosing the planet's characteristics (resources, climate, etc). You will receive a digital Certificate of Discovery (PDF) for the planet. A star will be placed beside your name in the credits and in-game monument to show your amazing support.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
Famous Landmarks
Name Featured in the Credits
Customize and Name a Nugget
Name a planet
+ All previous rewards
buy now


Your time is coming. Guide a fledgling civilization through the obstacles of life. From humble beginnings, watch as they evolve and advance throughout the ages under your wing. Influence their decisions and punish the unfaithful with a wide range of godly abilities. Interact with objects, create disasters, and launch clueless creatures into orbit. This is your world, and nothing can stop you from having fun.

Our goal is to bring back the features you know and love from classic god games and spice them up with fresh ideas, a modern physics engine, and stylized visuals developed by a few of our very own industry heroes.


In The Universim, nature is just as wonderful and unpredictable as ever. Every planet comes with a few surprises that are sure to challenge your civilization. From tornadoes that consume everything in their path, to thunderous earthquakes that threaten to split your civilization in two. If you treat nature poorly, it might just show you how brutal and unforgiving it can be. Each planet you encounter will have a unique underbelly. Some planets are tranquil and filled to the brim with resources, while others are barren and dangerous. Be careful out there!

Something as simple as the cycle between night and day can play an important role. Wild animal attacks are more common at night, as are frequent temperature drops. Daytime offers a little more safety from the harshness of the world. With the inclusion of a full, four-season cycle, a planet’s biomes can change drastically, making it extremely difficult for Nuggets to survive brutal winters without proper preparation ahead of time.


Meet the Nuggets, a fragile and whacky species that relies on your leadership to build, research, and advance. Help them, and they will soon begin writing their own history in the stars. Every Nugget is a unique individual with a distinct set of characteristics. Just like any other living creature, Nuggets must have access to a few vital resources in order to survive. This includes water to drink, food to eat, and recreational activities to increase their happiness and quality of life. Recreational activities may include blowing stuff up. You’ve been warned.

As you spend time with the Nuggets, You will see that they behave like natural, living beings. They have their own thoughts and needs - and they even have the ability to make their own decisions at times. We want to give you a feeling that you’re interacting with a living organism, almost like you’re messing around with a rather chaotic ant farm.

Discover Wild Life

Discover planets with Drones and Rovers, equip rockets with right technologies. Depends on the planet factors such as planet distance, temperature and etc you’ll need to equip your Discovery Machines with the right tools. Put more solar panels to keep your rover, that can take probs on the planets and give you idea of how much resources lays in ground of that planet, to charge it batteries faster during the day time. Equip your rockets with bigger gas tanks to make it travel longer and to give a chance for Astronauts Nuggets to come back home.


Planets in The Universim aren’t just made up of a bunch of neatly-arranged objects; everything is linked together and plays a unique role in each planet’s ecosystem. Every tree your civilization cuts down, every resource they mine and every animal they hunt will affect the world they’re living in. A lack of trees and high levels of pollution will raise the global temperature over time, while reckless hunting or fishing might cause the extinction of some species. It’s your mission to manage how the Nuggets collect and utilize resources. What mark will you leave on the ecosystems that existed millions of years before your arrival? Will you use every available resource and expand at an unprecedented pace, or will you methodically create a more sustainable way of life for your civilization?

These are living, breathing worlds where everything is interconnected. We aim to provide you with an unique experience unlike any of the god games you have played before. Every decision you or your civilization makes will have consequences.


Your journey begins with a blank slate. There will only be two Nuggets at first, Adahy and Elu. They are the first of their kind, a spark of life that will change the world forever. As Nuggets progress, their technology evolves alongside them. You will watch as crude stone huts transform into architectural wonders and the fires that once protected your civilization are replaced by the magic of electricity.


What kind of god will you be? Will your civilization become heavily dependent on natural resources, consuming fluffy bunnies and nonrenewable resources in equal measure? Or will you guide them towards a more sustainable future that relies on agricultural proficiency, responsible hunting, and green energy? You have the tools to change everything, and your actions have far-reaching implications.


Our procedural world generation is built around the gameplay, and not the other way around. We make sure that fun is always the number one priority. While procedural generation guarantees a lot of replayability, it doesn’t automatically make the experience worthwhile. That’s why we’ve invested a lot of time into not only creating unique and beautiful planets, but also giving each one its own set of challenging characteristics. Every star in the sky points the way to a procedurally-generated planet just waiting to be colonized. With the right technology, any planet can be yours. You can terraform lifeless planets into stunning utopias or simply suck every last drop of natural resources from it before moving on. We want to make sure that you’ll have fun with each planet that you encounter.

GAME Achievements

System Requirements:

  • Genre:

  • Simulation / management / God-game
  • Links:

  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • Languages:

  • English,
  • More coming!
  • Released:

  • August 30, 2018
  • Works on:

  • Windows (7, 8, 10)
  • Rating:

  • Rating pending.
  • Minimum system requirements:

  • (Please note that the below are guidelines only. Requirements will change during development.)
  • Windows 7 64bit or Higher, Linux, MacOs 10.X or higher. Not compatible with M1 Macs
  • Processor: 2.6 Ghz - 4 Cores Mid Range CPU or Higher
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 780/880M/960/1050Ti/1660/2060 or AMD R9 290 / RX 570. Intel Graphics not supported.
  • Please keep in mind that these are full-size desktop requirements. Laptop experiences may vary.
  • Hard Drive: 20 GB available space

FEARY Patch v0.1.58 is Now Live!

Happy Halloween, everyone!


We hope you have already prepared plenty of treats and costumes for Halloween. The spookiest time of year is almost upon us and, today, we would like to present you with some exciting changes. These changes are related to the Halloween holiday in addition to the actual game. With that said, this patch is a bit unusual regarding content. 

This patch contains some things that were set to be released in one big combat patch (one that is happily on the way). We are finishing some things and are excited to enter the polishing stage within the next couple of weeks. For now, let’s concentrate on the new thrills you’ll find in this newest patch.

First and foremost, as many of you have noticed, our Halloween event has returned to The Universim! In launching the game, you will be greeted by our Skull Moon. Once you have entered the game, you will have your choice of a regular planet (for players who wish to forgo the Halloween event and its various challenges) or the Halloween Planet by clicking the pumpkin checkbox. This action will switch all of the planet sizes to the Halloween Planet. 

The Kraken

Playing on the Halloween Planet will allow you to encounter the Kraken. This evil creature can arise from deep waters and will spawn unusual zombies. These zombies will attack your civilization from time to time until you destroy the source of their creation. 

Mysterious Portals 

Demonic Nuggets will invade your world during Halloween! You may recall a mysterious portal being opened for brief periods of time. Well, now you will uncover the cause behind it as a protector of your civilization. Closing the portal will provide you (and your Nuggets) with a handsome reward. Close the portal by destroying it. Your military Nuggets may be able to assist you.


Witches will appear during nighttime! You may see them flying and cackling through the sky. After all, Halloween is their holiday as well!

Blood Rain 

You may encounter a phenomenon of red clouds appearing over your planet. Hopefully, your Nuggets won’t be frightened by some kind of red rain. 


They’re back! Ghosts are here to roam your planet but, this time, these are friendly spirits that will appear after the death of your Nuggets. 

Halloween Planet 

This time around, our Halloween Planet didn’t change much from the previous year. However, we’ve added some new resources to the game as well as tree variations. 

Now, let's talk about some of the content that is not related to Halloween but that you’ll be able to enjoy in this patch. 

Snapping Tool 

We have received plenty of feedback on implementing a snapping tool to The Universim. Well, we are pleased to tell you that the tool is finally here!  You can now adjust and place your buildings as precisely as possible. The snapping tool will be available once you select a building that you would like to place. 

You will see in the left hand corner some instructions on how to use them and what buttons will activate snapping buildings. This tool will have 3 different modes: 

  • Mixed. Buildings will attempt to snap to the road or a building based on the distance to them.
  • Snapping to buildings. This mode will completely ignore roads and will snap a building as close as possible to another building, allowing you to align structures together.
  • Snapping to roads. Perhaps you would like to align your buildings to the road, if so, switch to this mode.

Machine Guns for Defense Towers

As we’ve developed more and more military content for the game, we decided to be a bit more practical with the use of the rockets. Now, when defense towers will be shooting flying objects or heavy armory objects, they will be shooting rockets. Otherwise - instead of shooting poor wolves with rockets - they will be using machine guns. Machine guns will be as effective as rockets, just without a big splash. 

News Messages 

We added additional options to the settings within News Messages which will allow you to turn off all messages except critical ones or adjust current news messages and showcase only selected messages. The options that we’ve added are: 

  • Family Messages (messages that indicate that Nuggets formed a new family) 
  • Believer Messages (messages that indicate any believer interaction) 
  • Seasons Messages (messages that indicate the change of seasons) 

Warehouse Disable All 

Another request from the community was to disable the acceptance of resources within the warehouse. Now, within the warehouse panel, you will be able to find a Disable All button which will disable the acceptance of all resources within that particular warehouse. From that point, you can enable any resources that you would like to accept by manually selecting them. You can also revert the change by clicking on the same button and enabling the acceptance of all resources.

Save/Load Error Handler 

We’ve reworked and added a new error handler which will fire up when the error occurs within the game when a save is pending. Recently, we’ve encountered an error which erases or does not save certain data to the save files, causing the corruption of those saves. This new system will detect that activity by checking if the save file has all the needed data in order to load. An error message will be produced if something is missing. If you encounter that error, please let us know. There is no way for us to track it right now, unless someone will be able to trigger it. 

Other Improvements

  • When Discovery Points (DP) are used to discover a perk, the price of DP will be hidden afterwards for this perk
  • Incorrect DP icon was changed to the correct one in order to be consistent with the rest of the game’s DP icon
  • Minister of Space was missing a lock icon on the slot 
  • Added icon to the finishing hut when there is no fish to catch or gut 
  • Reworked the interaction of Nuggets with the Colonization Rocket and Trade Rocket Now, the prioritization system will be as follows: Nugget should be educated, adult, have no partner, and be between 2-12 years old. This Nugget will be prioritized for the Colonization or Trade Rocket. If none of these Nuggets are found, the system will instead prioritize Nuggets within the same category, but older until age 54-74. Once all Nuggets are exhausted, the system will prioritize Nuggets who are adults, have an education, have a partner, but are still young. After that, the system will continue checking for Nuggets within the same category but who are older. Following that category, the system will then begin to board Nuggets who are educated adults with no partner. Lastly, if none of the Nuggets are within the categories above, the system will select any Nugget that is left. This prioritization should ensure that you will get the best Nuggets that will be sent for the colonization of a new planet as well as for trading
  • Nuclear Plant received assign all button 
  • Consistent Nugget interaction within any building. You can now interact with a Nugget inside the residential building or any other building. Previously, you were not able to use Creator Powers on a Nugget within certain buildings 
  • Cosmodrome resources were rearranged. This arrangement was according to the resources observed on the bottom panel (where all resources are located) for better readability and consistency
  • Added a tooltip and a popup panel for the auto constructed buildings such as Temples and Black Markets
  • Arrested/Imprisoned Nuggets will be immediately removed from their occupations
  • Selecting Unobtanium Extractor building will highlight Unobtanium plates which should help to identify placement sites more easily
  • Added deselected effect to the eras buttons located on the left hand side of the screen. Located above construction and the Creator Powers buttons in order to distinguish the era you are currently in
  • Warehouse received a button to disable all 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Spaceport didn’t allow for adding up to max supply and only allowed increments of 10. In other words, if you had space for 2 more resources, clicking ‘add 10,’ would not fill the rocket to the max. It would just ignore that interaction. Now, it will add those 2 missing resources that it can actually fit
  • Fixed an issue where Tesla Parts could have been dragged outside the screen if the movement speed of the camera was too fast
  • Fixed an issue where the Unobtanium extractor didn’t function properly when the player was on another planet 
  • Fixed an issue where a shader for the raincloud didn’t appear at certain angles 
  • Fixed an issue where sending food via Spaceport caused a rounding error and therefore displaying a very large number
  • Town Hall didn’t kick Nuggets out of the building when it was turned off
  • Localization error was happening when Nuggets were returning from expedition
  • Fixed an error within the Spaceport that was breaking the game when the player was sending resources
  • Fixed a scaling issue with the button located within the vertical consumption layout which was increasing the on/off button scale but it was never returning to normal
  • Fixed an issue where some sections of land didn’t have roads. This system was tweaked quite a bit. Some issues might still happen, but they should be rare
  • Fixed an issue where the simulation system was not correctly working with drones and allowed the creation of an unlimited amount of drones while being on the other planet
  • Loading a planet could sometimes produce an error which was breaking the save file 
  • Fixed an issue where the player was not able to fly to the location of the Nugget who died due to the Sarlacc 
  • Fixed an issue where a mystery box could not be picked up from the crater
  • Fixed an issue where the Unobtanium extractor would burn despite using rain cloud on it 
  • Fixed an issue where the Nugget creation screen was incorrectly displayed when UI Scaling was set to MAX 

Besides everything we have done above, we are also working full speed ahead on the next Large Update that will be coming out shortly! Our estimation time is around 2-2.5 weeks. This update will introduce new buildings and a combat system. Some things we had covered last week and, currently, we are at a stage where we can polish our combat system. After polishing, the update will have to go through QA. Once we get approval from QA, we will post new patch notes with its release! 

While some of our team focused on the combat system, the rest of the team was hard at work racing toward the finish line. All major systems are officially in place from a technical standpoint. Our outstanding list of tasks consists of new tutorials, cinematic shots, a credit screen, and final scene. Of course, we’ll be polishing and rebalancing existing systems in order to improve gameplay during the later stages of the game. 

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy these new changes and are looking forward to our combat patch! We are extremely excited to show it to you. As always, if you enjoy what we are doing, make sure to leave a Steam review and join our Discord. If you happen to find an issue, join our Discord and let us know. Our magical team of programmers will do their best to exterminate every bug that we, and our community, will find. Lastly, enjoy Halloween and have a great time with your friends and family. 


The Crytivo Crew 

Buy The Universim


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$44.99 +2249


$49.99 +2499


$59.99 +2999


$99.99 +4999


$249.99 +12499


Receive immediate access to the game and all future updates. Your name will be added to the in-game Rise of Evolution Monument, and you`ll receive additional exclusive rewards for your early support. Available Steam Key or Crytivo Key for you to choose.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards


Receive exclusive wallpapers and the beautiful Original Soundtrack.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
+ All previous rewards


You will be able to submit a city name for use in the game. Names are added to a pool that will be chosen by Nuggets at random. This name can be changed by players after assignment.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
+ All previous rewards


The definitive Digital Collector's Edition. Receive the stunning Digital Art Book (PDF) and Game Guide (PDF). Treat your eyes to the creation of The Universim and get some tips for survival.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
+ All previous rewards


Beautify your city with famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, and Burj Al Arab Hotel. You will also be able to immortalize yourself in the game's credits and Rise of Evolution Monument with a unique colour.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
Famous Landmarks
Name Featured in the Credits
+ All previous rewards


Customize and name a Nugget that will be added to the game for all to see in the Nugget Editor. Choose a unique combination of traits from the available list to set your Nugget apart from the rest. You will also be able to name a planet permanently, in addition to choosing the planet's characteristics (resources, climate, etc). You will receive a digital Certificate of Discovery (PDF) for the planet. A star will be placed beside your name in the credits and in-game monument to show your amazing support.

Alpha Access
Beta Access
Full game on release
Name in the Game
Additional Exclusive Crytivo Rewards
Original Soundtrack
Name a City
Digital Art Book
Digital Game Guide
Famous Landmarks
Name Featured in the Credits
Customize and Name a Nugget
Name a planet
+ All previous rewards


$ 4.99
Sigma Theory
$ 17.99
$ 19.99
$ 9.99
$ 12.99