Hello Creators and Future Astronauts,
We know it’s been a while since we last had a full-fledged blog post for The Universim, but today’s going to be a special one - one you’ve eagerly been waiting for! In this blog, we will share more info about the Space Era in The Universim and what awaits us.
Before we jump into the details, we would like to ask you to be so kind and leave us an honest review on Steam if you’re enjoying our work. Your reviews always put a smile on our faces and we love seeing our fans’ thoughts. Leave a review here.

The Universim will be filled with hundreds of different planets, all of which can be colonized. Each planet will have a specific ‘type’ and, prior to colonization, may look similar to each other. The Universim will have the following planet types:
Terrestrial planet. These planets are filled with life and flora. They are ready to be immediately colonized and won’t require much work on your side. Well, except for establishing a new colony. They’re similar in condition to the Mother Planet you’re used to playing on. These planets are rare and are rich in resources; finding one is definitely going to be an event!

Barren Planet. This will be the most common type of planet in The Universim. These planets are dead on the surface, but may contain a good amount of resources, including a very rare resource - Unobtanium. Unobtanium will be used in the manufacturing of Drones and other valuable items.

Lava Planet. Some planets will have extreme surface temperatures that will require special technology to colonize. These spicy planets, and Drones in particular, will play a significant role in such colonization. Lava planets are very challenging, but they might yield an obsessive amount of valuable resources.

Super work in progress
Ice Planet. Similar to lava planets, ice planets are hard to manage with their frosty surface. You’ll need to use plenty of resources to melt surface ice and stabilize temperatures to an acceptable level for your nuggets to survive. Though it may be difficult, going through these challenges will likely prove worthwhile.

Toxic Planet. Similar to the Lava and Ice Planets, Toxic Planet environments will be very hostile for nuggets and bring with them plenty of challenges.

We designed this system that will give us the ability to create planets with unique characteristics. Visually speaking, planets will have the aforementioned distinguished environments that will be revealed as you terraform them, making them sustainable for life. As you terraform planets, you will slowly see those changes around you. Clouds and fog will start appearing as your atmosphere recovers, toxic smog and clouds will be cleaned out, and your planet will start looking less grim.

Certain planets will be filled with resources of different types, but others will have a scarce amount of resources. Our complex system responds to visual changes and will adjust environmental lighting to match a planet's characteristics. Things are very connected on this side of the game, and we’ll talk more about this detailed system later on.

Atmosphere and Oxygen
Two important planet characteristics are Atmosphere and Oxygen.
Atmosphere drastically improves the lives of your Nuggets. The main contributor for the atmosphere is, obviously, Oxygen. Additionally, at a certain level of oxygen, your trees and lakes will contribute to both atmosphere and oxygen levels.

Without Atmosphere, your planet will often be bombarded by passing meteorites. Not having an atmosphere will also influence the birth rate of the Nuggets, animal population, clouds, natural disasters, and transportation.

Since Oxygen is directly connected to the Atmosphere, it will be one of the largest contributors to the overall state of the planet.
You have also probably noticed some updates to our Environment panel.

A planet will have scarce oxygen levels or none at all. Without any oxygen on the planet, your Nuggets will be forced to wear spacesuits in order to breathe. During this time, Nuggets will have very limited mobility as they will need to constantly refill their oxygen tanks to stay alive.

As you progress with restoring the plant’s oxygen, you will see the atmosphere shift in appearance. The planet will slowly start changing its colors. As oxygen levels improve, you will start seeing life on the planet. Natural disasters will return, but Meteor Strikes won’t be as frequent.

Similar to how any planet can be terraformed and cleaned to sustain life, every planet can also be ruined by any reckless progress by the Nuggets.
Since the atmosphere is directly linked to water and trees, if you’re being reckless with those resources and fail to replenish them, your planet will start to lose oxygen and its atmosphere. This loss can lead to a lack of breathable oxygen and the death of your population. Low atmosphere will also inflict temperature changes and see an increase in pollution. Remember, everything is connected in our game and there are a lot of calculations happening behind the scenes.
Pollution and Temperature
Temperature and Pollution are the secondary factors that will influence your planet look and define the hostility of the planets.

Certain planets will have a toxic environment and will therefore be considered polluted (your Mother Planet can be drastically affected by pollution as well). As your civilization progresses forward, more and more factories and machinery will be created, which will slowly lead to the decrease of the planet's quality and potential death. As you produce pollution, and without proper management, it will start affecting everything around you. Your nuggets will get sick, toxic clouds will appear on the planet, and your lakes will become polluted. Haze will also cover your planet and affect the temperature.
To fight rising pollution levels, you’ll need to build parks, research filters for your factories, and positively contribute to nature by planting trees and restoring lakes.

Temperature will influence the appearance of Blizzards and Firestorms. Trees will be especially affected by fluctuations in temperature, resulting in a decrease of oxygen when they’re burned down. In order to restore the temperature, you will have to utilize Temperature Generators as well as a Terraformer building.

When your planet is unbalanced, the temperature will fluctuate every year. Year by year, the planet will become colder or hotter until it ultimately becomes a lava or ice planet. Change will be gradual and you’ll have plenty of time to react by recovering the natural balance of the planet. You also can use Thermo Generators to keep temperature balanced. Like other thermoforming buildings, Thermo Generators are going to be pretty expensive to maintain, but they will give you the quickest results.
As you’ve probably noticed, a lot of those systems are interconnected so make sure to keep your planets healthy!
How to Colonize the Planet?
Alright Nugg Armstrongs, as many of you know, the colonization process of other planets consists of multiple steps.

Step 1. Locate the planet. Nuggets are curious creatures eager to explore. The Observatory will be a starting point for the Space Age and will ultimately unlock the Space Map to locate new planets. It will also help you receive certain signals and distress calls from space.

Step 2. Prepare for launch. In order to learn how to fly, you need to help your Nuggets to survive the Mother Planet and help them progress through the Modern Age. From this point, you should be able to build your first colonization rocket in the Cosmodrome.

The Cosmodrome is the true starting point for your adventure. In this building, you will be able to pack your Colonization rocket with useful space goodies that you will bring to other planets. Be sure to plan carefully! Each colonization rocket only has a certain amount of space. You will have a variety of things to bring on board (i.e. crew members, resources, and DRONES). At this point, you probably know enough about Nuggets and, if not, go back to God School by restarting the game.

Besides that, each rocket will have reservoirs, oxygen tanks, and batteries. This should allow you to survive for some time on another planet, but don’t procrastinate for too long. Otherwise, you will most likely need to send another crew...

Drones are designed to withstand the extreme conditions of alien planets. They’re fast and effective, but building them will require spending a valuable resource - Unobtanium. Similar to Nuggets, Drones will possess certain characteristics.

Health - A drone’s health can be depleted in multiple ways, but they all require physical force. Certain external forces such as sarlaccs, alien attacks, exile village attacks, or your own creator powers will be able to destroy the drones. Once damaged, their health cannot be restored without specific perks that can be unlocked in the research tree.

Charge - Similar to a Nugget’s stamina, charge is what makes the Drone go. Drones will have to return to their building in order to recharge. As you progress forward, you will get an opportunity to learn a perk that will allow your other drones to recharge each other which will improve your drones further.

Furthermore, drones are not only a great tool to use on hostile planets, but they can also be used on your Mother Planet. Certain buildings will allow the use of drones as workers. Each drone will be as efficient as 3 Nuggets, so make sure to use them to improve your infrastructure. Drones are quick and can carry a large amount of resources; advantages that should help you in your space exploration and colonization.

Step 3. Colonization. The colonization of the planet does not simply end by landing on the planet. Based on the planet’s conditions, you will need to build specific structures that will help improve quality of life. Some of those structures include:
- Terraformer
- Oxygen Generator
- Hydro Collider
- Cloud Generator
- Space Harvester
Terraformer - The terraformer is one of the main building blocks of planet terraforming. This structure will consume resources and slowly start to terraform the planet, which will slowly restore life on the planet within a specific radius.

Oxygen Generator - Based on the planet's condition, you might be required to place the oxygen generator. From the name of it, you might’ve already guessed its purpose. This building is needed to restore oxygen levels on the planet.

Hydro Collider - Certain planets might be overwhelmed with lava or be entirely empty. The Hydro Collider is a quick solution for the problem. Utilize this building if you need to fill the lakes or even drain them. As the planet’s quality is restored, your lakes will be full, but it definitely won’t be cheap.

Cloud Generator - By collecting water and processing it through this building, your Nuggets will be able to create clouds! And not just any clouds, but rainy clouds. These rainy clouds will accumulate near an empty lake and begin to fill it. One by one, they will restore the water level on your planet and, even though this restoration technique is cheap, it requires more time to accomplish its task compared to the Hydro Collider.

Space Harvester - Certain Planets will possess completely new and unique resources that won’t be found on your Mother Planet. In order to harvest those resources, you will need to utilize Harvesters. These machine mining vehicles will be able to obtain alien resources and transport them back to the processing center where they will be transformed into resources that your Nuggets can use.

Since we have a lot to cover for the Space Age, this blog post is merely part 1 of 2. We still have plenty to show you and tell.
Our goal is to give you dynamic gameplay where you can choose your own route to colonization. Our team is extremely excited to be working on the Space Age and we’re going full speed!
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Thank you for your unstoppable support!
-Crytivo Crew